Summer at the Y at Nelsons Grove
Program Information
At the Y we provide a safe, nurturing, and fun environment to engage the interests of all kids. Our adventures are non-stop and our activities reinforce the values of caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility.
Summer at the Y creates an exciting, safe environment for kids to have an unforgettable summer of fun. While they are taking part in unique experiences and adventures, they are also building self-esteem, developing interpersonal skills, and making lasting friendships.
*Field trips are subject to change.
June 11th - August 8th, 2025
7:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Nelsons Grove
15285 County Road 99E, Woodland, CA 95695
1st - 6th Grade (Entering)
Payment Details:
$250/ Week
Scroll Down for Financial Aid Information
Director: Kristen Lockett
Director Email:
Director Phone:
Weekly Theme: Welcome to the Great Outdoors
Field Trip: Lizard Lady
Weekly Theme: We are Family (Teamwork)
Field Trip: Nimbus Fish Hatchery
Weekly Theme: Nature Exploration
Field Trip: Davis Arboretum
Weekly Theme: Party in the USA
Field Trip: Marshall Gold Discovery Park
Weekly Theme: Buggin' Out
Field Trip: Fiery Ginger Farm Visit
Weekly Theme: Island Explorer
Field Trip: Sea Quest
Weekly Theme: Creative Campers
Field Trip: Effie Yeaw Nature Center
Weekly Theme: Survival Challenge
Field Trip: Bear Valley
Weekly Theme: Summer Extravaganza
Field Trip: Blowup Extravaganza
We will notify families by email if a space becomes available. You will have 48 hours to accept or decline the waitlisted spot. If we do not hear back from you, we will move on to the next child on the list. For confidentiality reasons and standard operating procedures, we do not reveal where a child’s spot is on the waitlist.
YMCA leaders are encouraging, patient, and can help facilitate successful camp experiences for children with mild to moderate disabilities. For specific questions regarding your child, please contact the branch-specific site contact.
- All deposits are non-refundable
- Cancellations that come in 10 business days or more before the program begins or earlier are subject to a refund of payment but do not include the deposit.
- Cancellation requests made 9 days or less than the program start date will have no refund.
You can expect to hear from your camp team roughly a week before the camp week begins, which will include details like a packing list, meals, snack policies, etc.
Yes, the $50.00 weekly deposit will be applied to the weekly tuition. Therefore, payment for every weekly tuition registered, would be $50.00 less.
Lunch and Snack are provided at some locations. Please see your site director for more information.
Yes, school year registration and summer registration fees are now separate.
What should I bring to the program?
- Lunch and Snack (If not provided by your site, please contact your site director)
- Refillable Water bottle: This will help your child stay hydrated during the day
- Label all items
Should I bring water for my child?
Yes, parents are responsible for providing their child with plenty of fluids for the day. We will take several water breaks throughout the day so children will have opportunities to refill their bottles.
What shouldn’t my child bring to the program?
- New or expensive clothes
- Personal computers/tablets (unless the camper is still in distance learning)
- Video games
- Cell phones
- Personal CD players/stereos/MP3 players
- Expensive jewelry/watches
- Money
- Toys and card games
- Alcohol or drugs
- Personal sports equipment
- Vehicles
- Animals
- Weapons
- We will CARE for ourselves and those around us.
- RESPECT each other and the environment.
- HONESTY will be the basis for all relationships and interactions.
- People are RESPONSIBLE for their actions.
- Staff will redirect the child to more appropriate behavior.
- The child will be reminded of the behavior guidelines and rules, and a discussion will take place.
- The staff will document the situation. This written documentation will include what the behavior is, what provoked the problem (if known), and the corrective action taken.
- The parent will be notified of the problem.
- A conference with the parent and staff will occur to determine the appropriate action.
- If the problem persists, a conference will occur with the parent, child, Site Director, teacher and Sr. Child Care Director. The Site Director will have all documentation, and conference notes for review.
- If a child's behavior at any time threatens the immediate safety of self, other children or staff, the parent will be notified and expected to pick up the child immediately.
- If a problem persists and/or a child continues to disrupt the program, the YMCA reserves the right to suspend the child from the program
- Expulsion from the program will be determined in situations involving violent acts or after all alternatives have been attempted to resolve the problem.
- Endangering the health and safety of the children and/or staff.
- Threats made to children and/or staff regarding firearms, knives, fireworks or explosives.
- Theft or damage to YMCA, school, or personal property.
- Leaving the program without permission.
- Refusal to follow program behavior guidelines and/or school rules.
- Use of profanity, vulgarity, and/or obscenity.
- Lewd behavior.
- Possession of and/or use of tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs, firearms, knives, fireworks, or explosives.
- Inappropriate interaction by parents, participants, or adults associated with your family towards other parents, children or staff at any time. (example threats of violence, fights, hostile behavior)
- No child or adult will be physically abused, including but not limited to: shaking, grabbing, hitting, pushing etc. at the YMCA or any YMCA activity. Adults will not be verbally abusive or harass other parents, other YMCA participants or staff at any time. Profanity or obscene language is strictly prohibited.
- Follow all policies and procedures set forth by The YMCA and Site Director.
- No child will be released to anyone who appears to be intoxicated or under the influence of drugs.
What happens if my child has a discipline issue at the program?
Our staff are trained and are expected to resolve misbehaviors in a positive manner. Our staff speaks with the child, allows him/her to take time out to think about the issue, discuss the issue/solution with the child, then let the child return to the activity. In more severe cases, the child will be kept out of the activity and the parent will be asked to pick up the child. Together, parents and YMCA staff will work out a custom-designed behavior modification method depending on the severity of the issue.
In the event the issue persists, the child may be suspended or expelled from the program. Some acts may result in immediate suspension or expulsion, including but not limited to fighting, intentionally harming others, theft, and possession of weapons or drugs. Our policies do not grant refunds or credits for missed program days due to behavior issues.
What are the bathroom procedures?
No child is ever alone and no child is ever alone with a staff member. All children will take trips to the bathroom with the entire program and/or program groups escorted by staff. Children will only use bathrooms inspected for safety by staff.
Who is watching and caring for my child?
We are confident that we have the best staff around. Our staff is as diverse as our youth.
All program staff are fingerprinted and undergo background and reference checks. All staff are certified in basic or pediatric CPR, first aid and Child Protection Training.
Most importantly, our staff are people who love kids. They want to spend their time playing, teaching, and working with children. They are caring, energetic and responsible people with big hearts.
What training do staff receive?
All staff are required to attend 16 hours of training prior to the first day of the program. The directors attend additional training.
In addition to learning all the policies and procedures of the YMCA of Superior California, staff learn techniques for how to best interact with children and how to use positive discipline techniques. They also learn songs, games, skits, and arts & crafts projects.
Can YMCA staff babysit my child?
Although our staff work well with children, our child protection policy does not permit YMCA staff to babysit for families involved in our YMCA programs.
What if my child becomes ill or gets injured while at the program?
If your child becomes ill while at the program, our staff will contact you to pick up your child. If your child is injured, the staff will take whatever steps are necessary to obtain medical attention. Your child may be transported to the hospital by an ambulance or by a YMCA vehicle. All expenses for emergency medical care are the responsibility of the parent or guardian.
In the case that a camper develops COVID symptoms at camp, we will contact the family to pick up. The child will be directed to an isolation area where they will await pick up. We are asking parents to pick up their child within the hour of our call for the safety of the child and other participants and staff. Please remember if your child is experiencing any signs of illness, please keep them home.
What if I need to speak with my child while she/he is at the program?
We understand that urgent situations come up. If you should ever need to reach your child while they're at program, please call the site director for your location.
How do I communicate with the YMCA Staff?
Most communication can be done through contacting the site director and speaking directly with your child’s staff during drop-off and pickup each day. It is vital that you inform us of changes happening in your family. These influence the way your child relates to others. Staff members can better provide for a child’s needs if they are aware of the situation. We will treat this information with the utmost confidence.